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Principle and classification of diaphragm pumps

Time:2015-12-21  Click:534

The diaphragm pump is also called the control pump, is the main type of actuator, through the control of the control unit output control signal, with the power to change the flow of fluid. Diaphragm pump in the process control is to accept the role of the regulator or computer control signal, to change the flow of the medium, so that the parameters are adjusted to maintain the required range, so as to achieve the automation of the production process. If the automatic adjustment system and artificial adjustment process, the detection unit is the human eye, the control unit is the human brain, then the executive unit - diaphragm pump is the person's hand and foot. To achieve a certain process parameters such as temperature, pressure, flow, liquid level, etc., can not be separated from the diaphragm pump.

Diaphragm pumps generally by the actuator and valve components. If the use of the power, the diaphragm pump can be divided into pneumatic, electric, hydraulic three kinds, namely compressed air as the power source of pneumatic diaphragm pump, electric power as the power source of electric diaphragm pump, liquid medium (such as oil, etc.) pressure for the hydraulic pump, in addition, according to its function and characteristics, as well as electromagnetic valve, electronic, intelligent, field bus type diaphragm pump, etc.. There are many types of diaphragm pumps, the structure is also diverse, but also continue to update and change. Generally speaking, the valve is general, can be matched with pneumatic actuators, or with electric actuators or other executive agencies to match.

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